Wrong Turn (2003)
“On paper the musical challenges for this score seemed almost unsurmountable. We wanted a big score, a scary score, a shocking score, a suspenseful score, music that makes the audience root for the characters and find them likable. We wanted it to sound big and epic, but not old-‐fashioned, we wanted it to sound contemporary and hip, but not urban, a bit of an ethnic flavor, but also not rural, and we wanted It to have cool grooves but not techno. We wanted a huge orchestra, but we had no budget – and we wanted it now! Elia did it all. It came out great. On second thought – let me re-‐phrase that: it came out brilliant!”
– Robert Kulzer, producer
“Elia, amidst all the honor (and I mean all the honor) we had the beauty of your music. Thank you.”
– Erik Feig, producer
“Elia’s score seamlessly enhance every dramatic moment of the movie – never calling attention to itself. Elia is an invaluable, stylish, artistic talent with whom I look forward to many future collaborations.”
– Stan Winston, producer